Welcome to my Digital Garden! This is a place to learn in public, plant ideas, and see them grow into something exciting.

🚧 Work in Progress 🚧

I’m moving from Public Roam Graph to Notion space for the Digital Garden, so apologies this is all under construction. More pages will be added soon :)

👨🏻‍🌾 What's a Digital Garden?

Contextually speaking, a Digital Garden is an online space to share, nurture and shape ideas. Practically speaking, it's something between private notes and a blog, used for learning and building in public

🌱 What am I 'planting' about?

1. Building products

I work as a Product professional, and that's something I'm passionate about, so one of the things I'll be working on is definitely some experiences, questions, or thoughts related to products.

2. Personal knowledge management, and tools for thought

I'm curious about tools for thought, personal knowledge management, (collaborative) note-making, building a second brain, and how it all fits with knowledge work. It's a bit 'meta', but this garden will contain a lot of stuff on gardening.

3. Books, reading, and learning

I love reading, so I will likely note down thoughts on different [[Books]], book reviews and recommendations.

4. Random sparks of curiosity

I'm a generally curious person, so there might be musings on [[random things that interest me]] at a given time.

🌱➡🌳 My process

Digital gardening and private note-making impact each other, and also lead to producing additional exciting stuff such as articles, blog posts, and other content.

For the digital gardening:

For private note-making